even though I have no interesting or clever statement to make on my first blog, I figure that I should start this thing up already.
so here I am!
good place to start: this past weekend was my first official single girl weekend. I did some single girl things, if you know what I mean. I am feeling pretty liberated right now. a little too liberated almost. this school semester has given me a lot of room to have fun & socialize. I've gotten back to the things that make me feel good - working out, yoga, animals, volunteering... and boys. idealistically that last category should not be a part of what makes me feel happy... and this is the part I am struggling with most. is it truly possible to live my life without the introduction of an interesting male prospect? I know that "dating" is part of being "single" (a word I despise, I prefer "free" or "unattached") but can I or anyone really get to know themselves without male interference? if so, I wish someone would teach me how. my brain is wired incorrectly right now. I need the help of an expert brain electrician.