Tuesday, April 5, 2011

i need to remember this for later...


ugh. i'm so antsy
can't stop thinking about this shit. wish my brain had a pause button

abt the *********** thing??


why dont you just ask lol

because then he will know that i care...
i guess it is a pride thing.

if u cant say something yr thinking to someone whos sleeping w u then maybe u shouldnt be sleeping w them

i hate your logic.
'cause you're right.
but everything up until now has been a sort of unspoken
or whatever.
i guess i'm trying to avoid the awkwardness. and admitting that i actually care about the issue..

gotcha. been there done that all that stuff
but as a woman u have rights to know certain things
and his penis is going inside of yr body
its an issue of health and safety and trust
has ntohing to do w ******. shes just some slut girl
but i think that u know that he is not a faithful one woman type of guy if u choose not to speak abt it
so whats really bothering you? is it that you want the you and him thing just to be enough? or u think shes ugly? or yr jealous

this is all true... and the fact is i don't know if he is a faithful, one woman type guy or not. bc we haven't discussed it. so i guess i just need clarify there for my own sake...
it would be to confirm that he is definitely getting with other women
because he is doing way too many cute things and sort of-relationship stuff that it is throwing me off

get yr head together before u ask questions
yeah. guys totally suck.
but never be surprised.

i am a pretty realistic person, but his actions lately are throwing me off.

i was dating frank for a while without discussing stuff and when i asked he was totally honest and said flat out he had another girl the same as me
same thing w geo etc
most guys if u ask the right way i think will say the truth
relaxxx. it's just a peace of mind issue

shit. i guess i have to prepare myself to hear that.... is that why you ended things with them?

even after frank told me that i stayed dating him bc i liked our relationship
i ended it bc one day he told me to go over and she randomly showed up and i realized it wasnt all nice and roses lol
bc she cared too much and i didnt


whatever. rack yr brain and figure yourself out then ask the right questions.

so. i guess i'm going to make myself patient, wait for him to invite me out again and address the issue...? or should i take initiative...

if u wana ping pong thougts call me and well cchat

because obviously i am the one flustered right now

be casual
a confrontation is not going to lead to a desired result

thanks boo <3

just realize that while it seems HUGE right now its really just a personal issue of you coping with feelings of your own
and theres 92073496912370 ************s out there
ily. i have to go to the stupid mayor debate now.

sigh. i know you're right bc i'll look back on this and same the same
enjoy your debate
say the same*

btw if he is sleeping around it doesnt mean that yr not amazing and awesome and beautiful and smart and all those other things
just that he is not ready to be committed and that was not the premise of your relationship[
so dont stress :)

1 comment:

  1. also remember what i told you. if you ask and he tells the truth cool.. might be good might be something you dont wanna hear but you heard it. if he acts shady... you know he is not worth your time. so no matter what the outcome it is for the better. cause if he's worth it, you'll hear what you wanna hear.
